Happy Halloween!
Here's a look into our festivities today>>
I'm sure you can tell which is mine and which is Anthony's. {I'm glad we share the same last initial so I can monogram!} Around my shaved H I pinned a few star studs.
We're all ready for the little monsters to arrive!
Ziggy is wearing his elephant costume and Anthony is dressed as a lumberjack {neither of which wanted a photo taken}. Tonight you can call me Holly Golightly {from Breakfast at Tiffany's}.
I thrifted this vintage dress with the perfect silhouette to resemble Audrey's dress. The only differences {which I think make it better} are the pretty bows on the shoulders and strands of pearls hanging on the back. All of my accessories were thrifted as well, excluding my "tiara." Adorning my sock bun is not a tiara but actually my JCrew inspired necklace wrapped around the base and pinned to stand.
Labels: candy, costume, decorating, Halloween, holiday, life, looks, style, thrifted, vintage, what I wore